Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Reader's Theater

Readers Theater is a performance of a literary work by an individual or group, wherein the text is read expressively, but not fully staged and acted out.
Note:This practice allows teachers to assign reading parts based on level of fluency. 
Examples of a readers theater can be found by clicking here, http://www.teachingheart.net/readerstheater.htm.

A lesson plan that is pre-planned can be found by clicking here, http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/readers-theatre-172.html?tab=1#tabs
Step 1:
Introduce or review the nature, purpose, and procedures for reader’s theater with the class.
Step 2:
Assign students to individual parts by having them volunteer or audition. Parts can be assigned by students within groups and can rotate from one performance to another.
Have students practice their parts on their own, in their group, under your guidance, and at home.
Have students practice their parts on their own, in their group, under your guidance, and at home.
Have students practice their parts on their own, in their group, under your guidance, and at home.
Invite students to perform their scripts for an audience, usually their classmates, but others can be invited as well; schoolmates, parents, and the principal. Try to make the performance a special event. Many teachers turn Friday afternoons into a “classroom readers theater festival” at which many repertory groups perform their scripts. 

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